
在本课程及第6与第7课程中,我们将了解 Python 中条件语句的结构,以及如何使用它们在Python中编写 DRY((Don’t Repeat Yourself)代码。

通过实现编写代码的 DRY 策略,我们可以使代码:

  1. 更容易理解和阅读,从而支持可重复性。

  2. 更容易更新,因为只需更新一次指定任务的代码,而不是重复代码块的每个实例。

虽然有许多提高效率和消除代码重复的策略,但三种常用的 DRY 策略是条件语句循环函数。本课程介绍Python中的条件语句,它可以通过仅在满足某些条件时执行代码来控制代码的流动。

1. 条件语句的结构#


if condition:
    print("Condition is true, and this statement is printed.")    
    print("Condition is false (i.e. not true), so a different statement is printed.")

注: ifelse下的代码是必须有缩进的,输入:回车会自动缩进

2. 使用条件语句比较数值#


例如,可以检查变量的值是否等于 (==) 某个值。

#Set x to 10
x = 10
#Compare x to 10
if x == 10:
    print("x is equal to 10.")       
    print("x has a value of", x, "which is not equal to 10.")   
x is equal to 10.
#Set x to 0
x = 0
#Compare x to 10
if x == 10:
    print("x is equal to 10.")     
    print("x has a value of", x, "which is not equal to 10.")    
x has a value of 0 which is not equal to 10.

3. 使用条件语句检查值#

可以使用成员运算符(例如innot in)编写条件语句来检查某些值是否包含在数据结构中,例如列表,甚至是文本字符串。

#Create list of average monthly precip (inches) in Boulder, CO
avg_monthly_precip = [0.70,  0.75, 1.85, 2.93, 3.05, 2.02, 
                      1.93, 1.62, 1.84, 1.31, 1.39, 0.84]
#Check for value 0.70 in list
if 0.70 in avg_monthly_precip:
    print("Value is in list.")    
    print("Value is not in list.")
Value is in list.
#Check for value 0.71 in list
if 0.71 in avg_monthly_precip:
    print("Value is in list.")    
    print("Value is not in list.")
Value is not in list.

使用not in以检查该值是否不在列表中:

#Check that value 0.71 not in list
if 0.71 not in avg_monthly_precip:
    print("Value is not in list.")    
    print("Value is in list.")
Value is not in list.


#Check for string "precip" within text string "avg_monthly_temp"
if "precip" in "avg_monthly_temp":
    print("This textstring contains the word precip.")    
    print("This textstring does not contain the word precip.")
This textstring does not contain the word precip.

4. 使用条件语句检查对象类型#

还可以使用标识运算符(例如isis not)编写条件语句来检查对象是否属于某种类型(例如intstrlist

#Set x to 0
x = 0
#Check if x is type integer
if type(x) is int:
    print(x, "is an integer.")   
    print(x, "is not an integer.")
0 is an integer.
#Check if x is not type string
if type(x) is not str:
    print(x, "is not a string.")    
    print(x, "is a string.")
0 is not a string.
#Create list of abbreviated month names
months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June",
         "July", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
if type(months) is list:
    print("Object is a list.")    
    print("Object is not a list.")
Object is a list.

5. 具有替代条件的条件语句#

我们可以扩展if语法,使用替代条件elif 。不满足if语句提供的第一个条件(即结果为False),Python则将检查elif语句提供的条件。如果elif满足条件,那么提供的代码将执行。如果既不满足if也不满足elif条件,则将执行else提供的代码。

if condition:
    print("First condition is true.")    
elif alternative_condition:
    print("First condition is not true but alternative condition is true.")    
    print("Neither of these conditions is true, so this statement is printed.")


#Set x equal to 5 and y equal to 10
x = 5
y = 10
#Execute code based on comparison of x to y
if x < y:
    print("x started with value of", x)    
    x += 5    
    print("It now has a value of", x, "which is equal to y.")
elif x > y:
    print("x started with value of", x)    
    x -= 5    
    print("It now has a value of", x, "which is equal to y.")
    print("x started with a value of", x, "which is already equal to y.")
x started with value of 5
It now has a value of 10 which is equal to y.


6. 条件组合的条件语句#

逻辑运算符(例如and, or, not)允许我们创建可以检查条件组合的条件语句:

  • and如果满足所有指定条件,则执行代码

  • or如果至少满足一个指定条件,则执行代码

  • not仅在指定条件不满足时才执行代码(not可以和and或者or结合使用来检查是否不满足多个条件)

6.1 使用and检查两个条件#

#Set x equal to 5 and y equal to 10
x = 5
y = 10
#Add x and y if they are both integers
if type(x) is int and type(y) is int:
    print(x + y)    
    print("Either x or y is not an integer.")

6.2 使用or检查至少一个条件#

#Set x equal to 0 and y equal to 10
x = 0
y = 10
#Check whether either is equal to zero
if x == 0 or y == 0:
    print("Either x or y is equal to 0.")    
    x += 1    
    y += 1    
    print("x is now", x, "and y is now", y)
    print("Neither x nor y is equal to 0.")
Either x or y is equal to 0.
x is now 1 and y is now 11